Press Relation

The authors of this site have assisted numerous TV, Radio, Newspaper and magazines in the creation of features and articles, relating to “speeding” and road and driver issues. For a partial listing of the media we have worked with see Advertising on the Site.

We are happy to assit with future articles and suggest you contact us via email to discuss. We can also supply high resolution images of the photographs used on this site.

Thankyou for your interest in The Speed Trap Bible and If you are looking to target UK motorists that are concerned about speeding then The Speed Trap Bible is the most focused source of prospective clients that exist. The site is receiving over 1.6 million hits per month, equivalent to over 53,000 per day – with 95% of them being UK Motorists. It also has an active subscriber list with over 3,300 members.

Profile of the Site.
The site was founded over five years ago to provide information to British drivers on “Speeding” issues. Over the years it has grown to be the preeminent site of its kind and the longest established. Accordingly it is very well known with significant referral by word of mouth and via UK motoring E groups. As it is so well known it is often featured in the motoring and general press, both printed and broadcast. In recent months this has included:

2005 – 4 TV interviews, 7 radio interviews and numerous printed articles
2004 – 5 TV interviews
Numerous radio, TV and printed articles in 2003
Interviews on BBC Radio
FreeScreen ITV May 2002
BIKE magazine June 2002
Interviews on regional radio stations
Carlton TV interview on its “Motorway” program
Reviewed on ITV’s Web Review – and accordingly Site of the Week
Front page of the Independant newspaper
Virgin Radio – Chris Evans talked about the site at length, during his Breakfast show.
Meridian TV’s CyberCafe program
Car Magazine
Redline Magazine
Revs Magazine, serialized the site over number of months
BBC Top Gear Magazine. We jointly authored a major article about speeding.
Autocar. “Web Site of the Week” and rated 5 stars
Fast Ford Magazine – a third of a page article about it
Performance Bikes, with a jointly authored multipage article
Motor Cycle News (the UK No.1 Motor Cycle publication)
Site of the Week at
It has been featured in many other motoring magazines and daily papers

In summary is profile is:

Latest news on issues relating to the British motorist, new laws, new Police approaches, new products etc.
A large section covering all of the speed detection devices that the police use, with an explanation of how they should use them.
A comprehensive guide to the legal position regarding being stopped by the police for speeding, either at the roadside or via notification by post.
A detailed review of all of the products on the market that can assist a motorist in avoiding a speeding conviction – radar detectors etc.
The site exists at a number of URL’s – the main ones being – <> and <>
The site receives over 1 million UK hits per month (and increasing), equivalent to around 40,000 per day.
Profile of the average visitor / subscriber

The site is entirely focused upon UK motoring and as such we estimate that about 95% of the visitors are UK motorists. This is based upon the subscriber list and from the volume of emails we receive each week asking us questions. Visitors from outside the UK do use it as much of the information it contains is universally useful – such as reviews of radar detectors.
Of the 3,300 plus subscribers, only 103 are female and the age breakdown is:
Under 18 Years Old<1%
18-25 15%
26-29 16%
30-39 30%
40-49 18%
50-59 8%
60 plus 1%
The subscriber lists consists of 3,300 plus people. It is increasing by 10-20 new members a week.
Research on effective E advertising reveals that the more the visitor see an advert/banner the more likely they are to click on it (and go to your main site). Industry Analysts indicates that once a visitor sees it more than 4 times they are very likely to follow it up and at 7 times they are almost certain to. Our site logs show that the average visitor will come to the site 6 times per year and that during each visit they will spend more than 6minutes going from page to page and view 14.5 different pages. Accordingly the average visitor would see your advert more that 85 times per year. On average over 74,000 megabytes of information are viewed each year – 203 megabytes a day.

The survey below was conducted between December 2001 and February 2002 online by Microsofts BCentral on behalf of the Speed Trap Biblel. The survey consisted of 1,156 British motorists who visited this site.

In summary the survey shows:

89% of UK motorists do NOT agree with the Governments plans to introduce more speed cameras
Less than 7% of UK motorists say that they are being treated fairly by the Government
39% say the Government treats the motorist like a Cash Point
93% of UK motorists say the Government does not treat the motorist fairly
Only 0.17% believe that the Government treats the UK motorist Very Well – thats only 1.7 people in a 1,000
94% believe that the UK motorway speed limit should be increased